I find myself on the constant lookout for movement in nature. Whether it is the linear, flowing movement that I see in slot canyons, or the swirling, soft movement in the clouds, I find my creative inspiration in pieces of the earth and in the atmosphere that surrounds us. I love to bring non-living things to life: to make them breath and take on a personality that's all their own. Animals have recently made their way into my paintings as well, and they seem to be right at home in the world that I create for them.


“Impossible Weight” is one of those paintings. This piece is about the desire for freedom, and tranquility: to be the Raven, who has the choice to stay where he is, or to fly off to where he would rather be.


Some of my recent artworks have earned me recognition in 2023, including The Terry Ludwig Award of Excellence at the Pastel Society of Colorado Mile High International Exhibit, People’s Choice Award for the All Colorado Show at Curtis Center for the Arts, and Third place at the Best of Colorado Exhibit at the Depot Art Gallery.